Hearing Care Services
in South London
In clinic and home visit audiology and hearing care services in:
Dulwich, West Dulwich, North Dulwich, East Dulwich, Beckenham,
Sydenham Hill, Bromley, Crystal Palace, Forest Hill, Gipsy Hill, Peng
Hearing is a crucial part of your overall health and well-being: it affects how you relate to the world around you, your daily work and social interactions. Your hearing also influences your sense of self, your personal relationships, and your connections with friends and family. For younger people, hearing loss can impact comprehension, language and self-esteem.
If you feel that your ears are blocked, or you hear people mumbling, or have a hard time following the conversation in noisy places, then you might need to have a hearing test and check-up.
Book an appointment online for any of the following audiology services:
Ear wax removal and microsuction
Hearing test and check-up
Hearing aid repair and reprogramming
All our services will be provided by highly qualified professional staff. Please check each service page for more details.

Your health is our top priority.Â
Get in touch if there are any questions.