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Phonak Assistive Listening Devices

Welcome to Phonak Assistive Listening Devices in South London. We offer sales and support of all models of Phonak Roger assistive devices out of our clinics in South London, 5 days a week. 

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Do I need a Phonak Roger table microphone?

Phonak Roger table microphone and other Phonak Roger assistive listening devices (ALD) could help hear speech better in the presence of background noise. These devices are more helpful to those with severe to profound hearing loss than those with mild or mild to moderate hearing loss.


Why are Phonak Roger table microphones so expensive and what makes them different from other remote microphones?

Yes, Phonak Roger table microphones are more expensive than the remote microphones from other hearing aid manufacturers simply because the range of Phonak Roger microphones do speech sound processing at the location they are performing before streaming the speech signal to your hearing aids. The remote microphones of other hearing aid manufacturers are often simple yet sensitive microphones with Bluetooth capability to stream the surrounding sound to your hearing aids. As a result, Phonak Roger table microphones improve the SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) in two layers, one that being closer to the source of speech and two processing the speech sound and reducing the noise in the signal before transmitting it to your hearing aids.


What is the difference between Phonak Roger On iN V2 and Roger On iN V3?

The latest model of Roger On iN V3 has an unlimited number of registered receiver codes, hence it does not need your hearing aids to have their own dedicated registered receiver numbers. You may purchase Roger On iN V2 at a lower price in the market but you need to purchase receiver serial numbers separately from Phonak and load them onto your hearing aids.


Can my hearing aids connect to multiple Phonak Roger devices?

Yes, your hearing aids can be paired with up to 8 different combinations of Roger On table mics or Roger On iN V3 pen microphones for ultimate speech intelligibility.


What are the applications of Phonak Roger On iN V3?

Roger On iN V3 is the latest and the most advanced remote table microphone on the market. A Phonak Roger On iN V3 can offer you the following assistance when paired with your hearing aids:


  1. Headset mode - In online calls, your peers' conversation streams directly to your hearing aids, while your voice is sent to the computer, so they can hear you clearly above the noise. With this complete solution, your Roger On becomes your headset.

  2. Table mode - In meetings or at a restaurant, the Roger On mic can be placed on the table and its MultiBeam 2.0 Technology helps you identify the source of the sound.*

  3. Pointing mode - Pointing mode 2.0 uses three microphones in a row, allowing you to focus on the person talking while ignoring side conversations when background noise is present. 

  4. Presenter mode - In meetings or lectures, the presenter can wear Roger On as a clip-on lapel microphone and it will automatically pick up the voice of the speaker regardless of its position.

  5. Streaming audio - Roger On can be connected to a laptop or TV’s audio output to stream the audio directly to your hearing aids. 

  6. Connect multiple microphones - Roger On can be combined with other microphones, and it is recommended to use it with the Roger Table Mic II for the best listening experience.


​What Phonak Roger On iN V3 is so popular?

Phonak Roger On iN V3 is very versatile, just like a Swiss knife. Roger On is an intelligent microphone for hearing aids designed for difficult and ever-changing listening situations in noise and over distance to help improve the quality of conversations. It can bring the following benefits to people with Severe to Profound hearing loss:

  • Conversation support - Roger On iN helps improve the intelligibility of conversations when background noise is present with speech-in-noise performance,¹ while also identifying and automatically selecting the person speaking. 

  • Online calls - With two-way audio streaming, both you and your online counterparts can hear clearly in noise while being heard above the noise.

  • Dining in restaurants - When in a restaurant environment, it usually includes a complex mix of sounds and background noise. With Roger On, distracting noises are reduced so you can capture the conversation.

  • Conversations in traffic - Engine sounds and road noise make conversations challenging. By transmitting the speaker’s words directly into your hearing aid, Roger technology helps overcome communication challenges.

  • Sports and recreation - Hearing coaches and teammates when playing sports can be a challenge. Roger On can identify who is speaking and helps eliminate background noise so you can focus on the game. 

  • Watch TV and more - Listen to the TV with a docking station that is provided with the Roger On mic or enjoy music by simply plugging the cable into a smartphone.

  • Long battery life - Be confident you won’t get caught without power with up to 8 hours of continuous use on a fully charged battery.



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